சிறப்பு சலுகை : 10%
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Nazir’s acuheal is best Traditional Acupuncture / Acupressure Clinic for all Cosmetic treatments since 15 years, Cosmetic acupuncture/Natural Facelifts is a virtually painless, holistic, non-surgical and risk-free method to erase years off of the face. Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it helps the whole body look and feel younger by addressing the physical, mental and emotional patterns that cause disease and contribute to the aging process.
The use of acupuncture to slow down the visible effects of aging began in China in the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) and has since evolved into a specialized practice known as “Chinese Medical Cosmetology”. Used for centuries, Acupuncture reduces or eliminates fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, sagging and discoloration of the face while simultaneously supporting overall health. In general, it may erase as many as five to fifteen years from the face after just a couple of treatments. Cosmetic Acupuncture tighten pores, improve muscle tone and dermal contraction, increases collagen production and affect its distribution over the facial skin. Moisture in the skin and evenness of skin colour will be balanced by increasing local circulation of blood and lymph to the face. The stress signs evident on the face will be reduced. Visit your Nazir’s acuheal acupressure clinic near is a best cosmetic treatments for..
Anti aging or face-lifting
Breast Enlargement
Siruseri OMR
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